A very (very) busy work day today, so we closed it out with another spectacular Pacific sunset.
Ben bopped around meeting dogs and karate chopping the air, impervious to the cold, while I exulted in the smell of the sea, the chilly foam, a perfect green flash, and the swirling shapes of the waves as they climbed onto the beach.
Unfortunately, we returned to find a ticket on the Flair, $36 for parking in more than one space (in a nearly empty parking lot, where we'd been all day). 🙄
Then our planned night in a coworker's driveway flopped when we reached the driveway. No way the Flair was going to make it in without clipping their fence, and even less chance of getting back out onto their busy street. Phooey.
So as the sky faded from the darkest of blues into black, we were off to find a plan B. Which we found! We stumbled onto RV-ville, a street near Natural Bridges State Beach lined with a bunch of them, a sure sign that it's a place you won't get hassled. (Many towns have RV-villes, little pockets where local police look the other way at overnighters. With so many state park campgrounds still closed, it can be tough to find spots to spend the night.)
Tomorrow, if I wake up early, we'll head north at first light and spend the work day in Half Moon Bay. Or we'll mosey down to Natural Bridges and spend the morning there. Either way, tomorrow will be here soon enough.
Sweet dreams.